We Complete the Picture.

Most insurers check only 5% of open claims for fraud. 
ClaimsX Ultra can help with the other 95%.

Get started with a free pilot today    

One Free Pilot can Uncover a New Universe of Fraud

Most insurers check only 5% of open claims for fraud. ClaimsX Ultra can help with the other 95%.

Fraud doesn't play by the rules.

In a world of rising claims severity, inflationary pressure & diminishing resources, carriers need a proactive solution for the rising tide of claims fraud. ClaimsX Ultra provides evidence-based alerts and enriched customer data from FNOL to settlement across your entire open book of claims, not just the 5% you're already looking at.

Simply put, ClaimsX Ultra detects fraud earlier, enhances customer experience, and streamlines operations, making your goals to “Do more with less” actually achievable-- 10x more, as reported by half of the top 10 US insurers.

Let us show you how we do it!

Complete the form and our team will reach out within 1-2 business days to learn more about your team’s goals and kick off your free, low-lift pilot of ClaimsX Ultra. 

Learn How to Achieve a 10x ROI